Silver Creek Leadership Academy: 2014-2015 Capstone Projects

I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.
Abbey, Helen: Droppin' Domestic Violence
Internship with the Longmont Safe Shelter
Ackerman, Jaymie: Room for Dolls
Making and selling Nigerian dolls to assist the Room to Read organization
Allen, Kayla: Dance to Advance
Dance camp for students at Eagle Crest Elementary
Ballard, Jordyn: Internship with BoCoPreps
Bane, Trevor: The Compassion Project
Working with Beads for Life
Blecha, Kady: Kady Kandids Photography
Low cost family photography
Breese, Summer: Internship
Internship with Friends FirstCarson, Matthew: Longmont Chamber of Commerce
Intern and SCLA Evening of Excellence event organizer
Dennis-Judson, Chloe: Give a Day, Gain a Smile
Activity days at the Children's Hospital
Dillon, Kylee: Autism Friendly
Sensory-friendly nights for kids with autism in the SVVSD
Engles, Jackson: Internship
Financial internship with Main Street InvestmentsHartman, Austin: Internship
Biomedical engineering internship with Covidien
Hartmann, Sonja: Project BEST
(Building Excitement for Science & Technology)
Heichelheim, Anton: Remember Everyone Deployed (RED)
T-shirt sales for Operation RED
Hickman, Kaitlyn: Visual presentation
Develop online catalog of SCLA experiential items and fostering a positive school culture through displays at SCHS
Higgins, Ned: Organizer
Food Drive for EFAA
Hite, Emily: Intern
Internship with Sunrise Medical and 5K Glow Run to benefit Intercambio
Jackson, Amakaya: Blue Mountain Elementary School 4H Clubs
Friday FUN days at Blue Mountain Elementary School
Jagerson, Zack: organizer
Soccer camp to benefit CureSearch
Jayne, Alexa: Bringing Music to Life Instrument Drive
Collected used instruments for Colorado schools
Jones, Cassie: Organizer
Project Unify: SoccerJuvonen, Sierra: Intern
Longmont student radio and internship with Longmont Matters radio show
Knechtel, Teagan: Organizer
Chinese New Year Celebration and Longmont Multi-cultural Committee
Lis, Tyler: Colorado Student Leaders School
Losino, Alyssa: 15 Forever Youth Committee
Martin, Olya: Project T.R.E.A.T.
Eating disorder awareness with NEDA
McNichols, Beth: Editor, The Talon Tribune
School newspaper
Mitchell, Kristin: Kindness Campaign
ATC — Athletic Training Club at SCHS
Moore-Sargent, Grant: Intern
Teaching internship with SCHS teacher Brian Booher
Nelson, Amanda: Calvin's Hats
Making hats for premature infants
Pelton, Madi: Various
Teacher, event planner and intern with Intercambio
Peterson, Collin: Cars for the Community
Car show benefiting Cars for the Community — Enduring Communities
Poole, Jack: Organizer
Crossfit Day for LiveWell LongmontMia Repp: Running for HOPE
5K to support HOPE for Longmont
Scott, Chu: Inventor
Invention for low-vision eyewearVon Bernuth, Karri: Presentation
"Breaking the Wall" presentation to the Longmont community to promote inclusion
Sidney Wach: Tenderness for the Tennyson Center
Developed kids activities at the Tennyson Center
Walter, Angela: POP! Protecting Ourselves from Perpetrators
Self Defense classes for underserved women at the Scornavacco Martial Arts Academy
Webster, Mitch: Project Unify
Whitehead, Clarke: Crayons to Calculators Poker Run
Motorcycle Poker Run for Crayons to Calculators