Silver Creek Leadership Academy: 2017-2018 Capstone Projects

Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.
Bedell, Sara: Calm Room
For her Capstone project, Sara is creating the Calm Room and the Zen Zone at SCHS. These areas provides students a place to relax and destress.
Bird, Colista: Project Intercambio
Calista is teaching English language classes with the local non-profit Intercambio to unite Longmont residents from all around the world to become proficient in English.
Boettcher, Jacob: The Kings & Queens Project
Jacob founded the non-profit The Kings & Queens Project for his Capstone project. KQ works to raise awareness about human trafficking and sexual exploitation through classes and events.
Creighton, Joe: Four Way Test
Joe is taking the Rotary Four Way Test to elementary school students, which poses the following four questions: 1) Is it the truth? 2) Is it fair to all concerned. 3) Will it build goodwill and better friendships? 4) Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
French, Sam: Cleats for Kids
Sam is working with the Longmont Baseball League to host a tournament raising funds for Colorado Special Olympics.
Fung, Kim: Green Initiative
Kim is an intern with the City of Longmont Sustainability Program and working to get residents signed up for the curbside composting program.
granger, Mallory: Ciudad Chino Opportunity Fund
Mallory is working with Longmont Sister Cities creating a scholarship fund that allows students the opportunity to become a Sister Cities Ambassador and travel to either Mexico or Japan.
Hansen, Connor: Silver Creek Cybercore
Connor created the CyberCore team to compete in cybersecurity competitions and wrote curriculum for a Cyber Security Class for the school district.
harvey, Amanda: Paws for a Good Cause
Amanda is working with Blue Mountain Elementary School and their afternoon program creating necessary items for the Longmont Humane Society and Greenwood Wildlife Center.
Hinklin, Riley: Film Festival: Refugees
Riley is hosting a film festival at several locations around Longmont to show the lives and struggles of refugees to promote empathy, education people, and dispel myths.
Ibsen, Aundreya: Colorado Therapeutic Riding Center
Aundreya is an intern with the Therapeutic Riding Center helping people with disabilities have positive experiences with horses.
karr, Maddie: For the Love of Food
Maddie is working with LiveWell Longmont teaching healthy eating cooking classes and installing a Little Free Pantry at Burlington Elementary.
Leech, Austin: Silver Creek High School School Expansion
Austin is working with the St. Vrain Valley School District documenting the building additions to Silver Creek High School and our feeder schools providing transparency and allowing community feedback in the process.
lilly, Emma: Loco for Loco
Emma is collecting the oral histories about the Longmont Sugar Beet Factory to write a book to help strengthen the Longmont community by remembering our history.
medrano, Christopher: Creek Live
Christopher is improving Silver Creek's live-streaming program by adding more varsity sports, music performances and community events.
Nicholas, Parker: Instructional Student Assistant Program
Parker created the Instructional Student Assistant Program, which places upper-classmen in freshmen classes to give 9th graders tools for success. She also wrote curriculum to allow other schoos in the SVVSD to utilize this program.
nolledo, Sam: Ignite the Spark
Sam is sharing the value of music and art in education, and how it makes a difference in the life of a student through videos and interviews on his blog.
Norman, Phoebe: Gems Day
Phoebe is hosting the 5th Annual GEMS (Girls in Engineering, Math and Science Camp) for middle-school girls to spark the interest in STEM opportunities for young women.
Pearson, Emma: Sea the Change
Emma founded her own non-profit, Sea the Change, to bring education and information about the ocean to elementary aged students in Colorado.
Rodriquez, aj: sources of strength
AJ is bringing the Sources of Strength program to Silver Creek High School. SoS is an Upstream suicide prevention program.
Roth-Bogrett, Joe: Day of Champions
Joe is hosting the 6th Annual Day of Champions, an event for students with disabilities to enjoy a day of sports.
Salmerson, Liz: Creek Companions
Liz is working with Flagstaff Charter to bring high school mentors to elementary age students for fun, learning and leadership.
Sands, Avery: Creating Connections
Avery is working with the Boulder County Sheriff's Department to connect kids with deputies to reduce the negative image of law enforcement in a youth mentor program.
Shrader, Will: Badminton Tournament for Charity
Will is hosting badminton tournaments at Silver Creek High School and Altona Middle School to benefit the American Heart Association.
tureson, Delaney: Golf Tournament for Charity
Delaney is hosting a golf tournament at Twin Peaks to raise funds for the Melanoma Research Foundation.
Weiner, Aaron: Boulder County Area Public Safety Expo
Aaron is hosting the Boulder County Area Public Safety Expo to educate the community on the available safety resources in our community.
Whitehead, Donovan: Jazz for Instruments
Donovan is hosting a jazz concert to raise funds for Bringing Music to Life, an organization that repairs donated instruments.