The BIG 6 Student Outcomes

1. Respect
My peers respect me.
I follow people I respect.
I acknowledge the success of others.
I'm capable of getting people to commit to a cause.
I work well with people from diverse backgrounds.
I build positive relationships.
I'm a role model for others.
People listen to me when I speak.
2. Teamwork
I enjoy working with others.
I easily build alliances with others.
I hold myself accountable to commitments I make to groups.
I applaud my teammates when they do well.
I prefer to work with others rather than by myself.
I hold others accountable for their commitments to a group.
I'm comfortable handling conflicts between people.
I ask others to generate input.
3. Critical and Creative Thinking
I ask why problems exist.
I have strong observation skills.
I ask probing questions to better understand problems.
I compare and contrast information to increase my understanding.
I invent imaginative solutions to problems.
I evaluate my solutions and/or responses to problems and situations.
I enjoy wrestling with a problem even if I can't find an immediate solution.
I enjoy word games and number puzzles.
4. Vision
I always look for new ways of doing things.
I set goals.
I thrive in ambiguous situations where I don't know the exact outcomes.
I anticipate trends in the future.
I prefer creating my own solutions to a problem rather than following set procedures.
When working with others, I generate the ideas.
I see challenge as an opportunity for creativity.
I am creative.
5. Communication
I adjust what I say and how I say it, depending upon whom I'm addressing.
I'm a good listener.
I enjoy speaking in public.
I express myself well when I write.
I like to engage in conversation with people I don't know well.
I read others' non-verbal communication cues accurately.
People understand me when I communicate.
People read my nonverbal cures accurately.
6. Ethics
I challenge myself to succeed through adversity.
I'm honest with myself.
I'm honest with others.
I acknowledge when I am wrong.
I treat others with respect and dignity.
I'm bothered when my actions aren't appropriate in a given situation.
I receive great internal satisfaction when I make ethical choices, even if the decision costs me in the short run.
I'm comfortable allowing others to see and learn from my mistakes.