Silver Creek Leadership Academy: 2019-2020 Capstone Projects

Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.
Chelsea, Bandi: Gears on the Horizon
A STEM education film.
Bennett, Sophia: Girl Code
Positivity through Community.
Boettcher, Olivia: ISA program
Elevating learning environments.
Davidson, Skylar: Silver Creek Supports the Girls
For the love of women.
Deluna, Cynthia: Celebrations across Generations
Connecting generations through conversations.
Fenderson, McKinsey: BigWaves
Creating a ripple of positivity.
Fostveit, Abby: Colorado Sportswomen
Advocating for female athletes of Colorado.
Hamming, Jason: KNO
Let the games begin.
Hirman, Zander: Friends Beyond Ages
Connections that last beyond the ages.
Hora, Addysen: Birthday Bakes
Baking birthdays brighter.
Krings, Eric: Pedal It Forward
Paying it forward to the next generation of cyclists.
Kunz, Abbey: Creek CLUE
Criminal law through unique education.
Larsen, Peter: Sensory Safe!
Comfortable environments for all.
Lathrop, Hailey: Mini medics
First aid for fourth grade.
Lepro, Braeden: Let's go!
The world is waiting...
Miller, Kayla: Soaring into the classroom
Helping third graders soar into their future.
Nietsche, Grace: Letters of Love
Making friends through distance.
Olivier, Stacy: Creek Strength
Connecting and hoping.
Pearson, Karly: You've got a friend in me
Just be a kid.
Schultz, Analise: Day of Champions
Unification through sports.
Shaffer, Dylan: The Sky's the Limit
An internship at the Northern Colorado Regional Airport.
Shrader, Charlie: Gems of Madagascar
Bettering the lives of children in Madagascar.
Slama, Lindsey: Raptors Ending Relationship Abuse
Education and awareness.
Stevens, Braden: Raptor Report
Raptor Nation's News.
Trujillo, savana: Project Fitness 180
Healthy bodies, healthy minds.