SCLA's Class of 2015: Where are they now?

Abbey, Helen
Helen is attending Colorado State University.
Capstone Project
Droppin' Domestic Violence

Ackerman, Jaymie
Jaymie is attending Front Range Community College in Arvada.
Capstone Project
Room for Dolls

Allen, Kayla
Kayla decided to go to Concordia University in Seeward, NE.
Capstone Project
Dance to Advance

Ballard, Jordyn — Co-Valedictorian
Jordyn's enrolled at Black Hills State in South Dakota.
Capstone Project
Internship: BoCoPreps

Bane, Trevor
Trevor headed to the east and is attending Oberlin College in OH.
Capstone Project
The Compassion Project

Blecha, Kady
Kady is staying close and attending Colorado State University in Ft. Collins.
Capstone Project
Kady Kandids Photography

Carson, Matthew
Matthew grabbed his jacket and headed to Concordia College in Moorehead, MN.
Capstone Project
Longmont Area Chamber of Commerce Internship

Denis-Judson, Chloe
Au revoir, mon amie! Chloe is headed to France to study during the next year.
Capstone Project
Give a Day, Gain a Smile

Hartman, Austin
Austin went to the Atlantic and is attending Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, MD.
Capstone Project
Biomedical Engineering Internship with Covidien

Hartmann, Sonja
Sonja is attending Tufts University in Medford, MA.
Capstone Project
Project BEST

Heichelheim, Anton
Anton is now a bit south, and enrolled at Texas Tech in Lubbock, TX.
Capstone Project
Remember Everyone Deployed (RED)

Hickman, Kaitlyn
Kaitlyn is at Colorado State University in Ft. Collins, CO.
Capstone Project
Fostering a positive school culture through displays at SCHS

Hite, Emily
Emily's just down the road at the University of Colorado in Boulder, CO.
Capstone Project
Internship with Sunrise Medical

Jackson, Amakaya
Amakaya has gone to au pair in the land of the kiwi—hello, New Zealand!
Capstone Project
Friday FUN days at Blue Mountain Elementary School

Jagerson, Zackary
Zack's gone off to Northeastern Junior College in Sterling, CO.
Capstone Project
Kick Childhood Cancer

Jayne, Alexa
Alexa is attending Regis University in Denver, CO.
Capstone Project
Bring Music to Life Instrument Drive

Jones, Cassie
Cassie is off to Western Nebraska to study radiology.
Capstone Project
Project Unify: Soccer

Juvonen, Sierra
Sierra is attending the University of Missouri in Columbia, MS.
Capstone Project
Internship with Longmont Matters Radio

Knechtel, Teagan
Teagan is off to BYU in Provo, UT.
Capstone Project
Chinese New Year Celebration and Longmont Multi-cultural Committee

Lis, Tyler
Tyler is off to Northwestern University in Evanston, IL.
Capstone Project
Colorado Student Leaders School

Losino, Alyssa
Alyssa's gone to become a nurse at the University of Colorado in Colorado Springs, CO.
Capstone Project
15 Forever Youth Advisory Committee

Martin, Olya
Olya is at the University of Colorado in Boulder, CO.
Capstone Project
Project T.R.E.A.T.

McNichols, Elizabeth
Elizabeth is also attending the University of Colorado in Boulder, CO.
Capstone Project
Editor, The Talon Tribune

Mitchell, Kristin
Kristin is enrolled at Front Range Community College in Longmont, CO.
Capstone Project
Kindness Campaign

Nelson, Amanda
Amanda is going to Front Range Community College at the Boulder campus.
Capstone Project
Calvin's Hats

Pelton, Madi
Madi's left us for the sun and is attending the University of Southern California.
Capstone Project
Lead with Language, Internship with Intercambino

Peterson, Collin
Collin is going to Colorado State University.
Capstone Project
Cars for the Community

Repp, Amelia
Amelia is just up the road at Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, CO.
Capstone Project
Running for HOPE

von Bernuth, Kaari
Kaari is also attending Colorado State University.
Capstone Project
Breaking the Wall

Wach, Sidney
Sidney's headed to the south and is attending Samford University in Birmingham, AL.
Capstone Project
Tenderness for the Tennyson Center

Walter, Angela
Lights, camera, action! Angela is going to the Colorado Film School in Denver.
Capstone Project
POP: Protecting Ourselves from Perpetrators

Webster, Mitch
Mitch is going to Augustana University in Sioux Falls, SD.
Capstone Project
Project Unify: Basketball

Whitehead, Clarke
Clarke is going after the oil at the University of Wyoming.
Capstone Project
Crayons to Calculators Poker Run